Supported System Software: 6.0.4 through 7.0.1, 7.1, 7.1.1 (Pro), 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.3 SCSI: DB-25 Serial Ports: 2 Sound Output: stereo 8 bit. ADB: 1 Ethernet: none Machine Gestalt ID: 10 Minutiae: There were two version of the Portable. The original Portable, released 9/89, came equipped with a non-backlit passive matrix 1-bit (B&W) display. The second Portable, released 2/91, came with a backlit active matrix 1-bit dsiplay. In the non-backlit model, upgrades were with 2MB, 4MB, 6MB & 8MB memory cards. In the backlit computers, upgrades were with 1MB, 3MB, 5MB & 7MB cards. Serial Port with the phone icon supports synchronous modems, with handshaking on both the output and input. Has 256KB ROM and a 1.44MB SuperDrive.